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Mini PIA Turismo

Mini PIA Turismo è un programma di finanziamento regionale offerto dalla Regione Puglia (Regione Puglia in Italia) progettato per supportare gli investimenti nel settore turistico. Mira a promuovere la crescita e lo sviluppo delle imprese legate al turismo fornendo assistenza finanziaria sotto forma di sovvenzioni e sussidi. Il programma si concentra su progetti che migliorano la qualità dei servizi turistici, promuovono la sostenibilità e integrano innovazione e digitalizzazione.

Un'immagine di Lecce di notte
Key Features of Mini PIA Turismo:
Target Audience:
  • The program is aimed at small, medium, and large enterprises operating in the tourism sector, including hotels, restaurants, and other tourism-related infrastructure.

  • It encourages both new projects and improvements to existing tourism facilities, with an emphasis on sustainability and innovation.

Eligible Projects:
  • Renovations and construction: Including the restructuring of existing buildings (e.g., historic palazzos or masserias), creation of new tourist accommodations, and expansion of current facilities.

  • Innovative and sustainable investments: Projects that incorporate technological innovation (e.g., digitalization) and environmentally sustainable practices (e.g., energy efficiency and renewable energy).

  • Promotion of local heritage: Investments in projects that enhance the cultural, historical, and natural heritage of the region, aligning with Puglia’s broader tourism development strategy.

Forms of Financial Support:
  • Non-repayable grants (fondo perduto): A percentage of the total project cost is provided as a grant, which does not need to be repaid.

  • Subsidies on loan interest (conto impianti): A contribution to help cover the interest on loans taken out to finance the project.

  • ESL (Equivalente Sovvenzione Lorda): Equivalent Subsidy in Kind, which can cover guarantees and counter-guarantees on loans to reduce financial risks for the investor.

Funding Percentages:
  • The percentage of the project covered by Mini PIA varies based on the size of the company (small, medium, large) and the type of investment (e.g., innovation, sustainability).

  • For small enterprises, up to 45% of eligible expenses can be covered by the grant. This percentage is lower for medium and large enterprises.

Project Requirements:
  • Projects must align with the regional objectives of promoting sustainable tourism and digital transformation.

  • Investments should demonstrate their impact on the regional economy, particularly in terms of job creation and economic growth in the tourism sector.

Application Process:
  • The application is submitted through the online platform managed by the region.

  • Businesses must provide detailed documentation, including a business plan, financial projections, and technical information about the project.

Monitoring and Reporting:
  • After receiving funding, businesses are required to report regularly on the project’s progress.

  • There are auditing and verification procedures in place to ensure that the funds are used correctly and that the project is completed as planned.

Mini PIA Turismo is a key tool for businesses in Puglia to develop tourism projects that are both economically viable and environmentally sustainable, while leveraging the region’s rich cultural heritage to attract more tourists.
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